Enhancement and Bug Fixes...
Enhancement and Bug Fixes...
Multiple Enhancements and BUG Fixes
Multiple Enhancements and Bug Fixes
Multiple Enhancements and Bug Fixes
Release 1.71 contains:
- Ability To Record and Review Classroom Inputs Offline
- Ability to View Duty Roster in My Information
- Ability to Setup Default Expense on Setup Chart of Account
- Multiple Enhancements and Bug Fixes
Multiple Enhancements and BUG Fixes
Release 1.70.3
- Ability To Add National Identification Number To Employee Details
- Redesign Of Financial Statement UIs and PDF
- Ability To View Attendance Location on Maps
- Ability to Scan ID cards using the front camera.
- Ability To View and Download Employee ID cards
- Other Enhancements and BUG Fixes
Release 1.68
- IB Lesson Note
- Ability to record Grades/Final Exams for student in a previous class and term
- Ability to Export on Household Report
- Ability to Filter Household Report by Branch
- Ability to know the type of report on Generate Final Report PDF
- UI Name Change: Final Report Status to Generate Final Report PDF
- UI Name Change: Auto Generate Report to Calculate Formative Assessment
- UI Name Change: Manual Final Mark to Summative Assessment Report
Enhancement and Bug Fixes
Release 1.66 contains
- School Duty Roster
- Comment Management
- Make an Employee a Legal Guardian
- Ability to switch a Staff to Teacher and vice versa
- Ability to Generate School Calendar and view in the app
- Ability to create an Inventory Bill, Review and Pay
- Ability to pay a specific Payroll Item
- Review And Update Pick Up/Drop Off Person
- Ability to Add Attachment to Lesson Note/Plan
- Enhancement and BUGs Fixes
Release 1.65
- Ability to create an inventory bill and pay separately
- Ability to review inventory bills and payments on Invoice/Bill Report and Payment History Report
- Ability to delete payroll records
- Ability to update billable items and apply the change to historical records
- Ability to filter with classroom on Classroom Notification History
- Display Student ID On Report Management, Student Management, Classroom Mgmt and Financial Mgmt
- Other Enhancement and BUG Fixes
Enhancements and BUG Fixes...
Enhancements and BUG Fixes...
Release contains:
- Ability to view records for selected multiple students and classrooms on Financial Report UIs
- Ability to Merge And Export PDF on Bulk Export
- Ability to Export On Daily Attendance Summary
- Ability to View Active and Inactive School Groups
- Ability to Select Multiple Billable Items when creating a bill on Create Selective Billing
- Ability to View Inventory Item History for selected inventory items
- Ability to filter by Classroom on Classroom Notification History
- Fixed bug on Lesson Planner
- Placed “Add Or Update Financial Accounts" on Setup Financial Accounts
- Export button on Student Accounts
- Ability to navigate to Invoice/Bill Report from bill creating screens
- Icons have been added to items on the side drawer
- Redesign of the flow for setting up employees.
- Other BUGs and Enhancement fixes